Here are the results of the first Boring Money reader survey!
Boring Money has a bit more than 2400 subscribers at the moment. 171 took the survey. That’s around 7%. Not bad! Though I did keep the form open for more than 2 months.
Boring Money has 290 subscribers on WhatsApp (link here to join) which is about 12% of overall subscribers. But these readers form 26% of the survey takers.
I was pleasantly surprised! I was somehow expecting a lot of 18 to 22 folks—excited youngsters and what not—but I prefer this more mature demographic better.
If you know any women that you think would like reading Boring Money, please share my posts with them.
Whoever took my survey from Armenia, I hope you’re real.
If you’re missing context, regardless of whether or not you’re based in India, just comment below the posts. I have a lots of time on hand to respond to every comment.
Considering the age bracket of my readers, this makes sense. (The maroon chunk on the right is “Founder/Business Owner/Self-Employed”.)
I’m not surprised that software engineers are the largest chunk of readers. But I am surprised that finance folks are are a decently sized chunk too. I’d love to get more finance professionals to read Boring Money, just in case I end up writing some BS that needs to be corrected.
Not a surprise again considering the age bracket of folks reading Boring Money.
If you’re part of the motivated 7% that took this survey but still feel that Boring Money doesn’t have enough value..
42 people gave me an actual numerical figure here and the average amount was ₹1028 ($12). The median was ₹550 ($6.5) and the most common amount was close at ₹500. The lowest someone was willing to pay was ₹501 and the highest ₹5000.
To the couple of people suggesting that I just bring in advertisements instead. Even assuming that my posts would be of any interest to advertisers—ad money, more so in a country like India, comes with strings attached. I’d rather not write than write and beholden myself to advertisers. Life is short.
The 85% will get what they’ve asked for. If only I’m able to spare the time.
Okay, too much commentary. Here are the rest of the charts:
Just write to me if ever I go paid and I’ll give you a sub for free.